Ainhoa Lafuente Cirauqui

Ainhoa LafuenteSpeciality: Felt
Packaging Woolies / Balance Vase / Woolight Lamp

Packaging Woolies: Thematic packs of soaps covered in felted wool.

Experimenting with different sizes and textures, we offer our Woolies Soap in a new format full of character, symbolism and meaning.

Balance Vase: Reversing the classic role, the container itself is what is shown: the vase is the flower.

The balance and weight of the BALANCE vase make it possible to play the game of resting it in different positions. A decorative, mobile and adaptable object, with a soft texture and organic shapes. Each vase is a unique piece.

Woolight lamp: Unique and exclusive piece in which technical experimentation has managed, with a flexible material such as wool, to create a compact and functional object. The translucent property of wool manages to create light textures.

Its spherical shape, texture, design and size give this object an organic appearance, inspired by nature as organisms with their own light.

Welcome to the official Website of craftsmanship of the Cabildo of Tenerife.


C/ Mayor Mandillo Tejera, 8 (2nd floor), 38007, S/C de Tenerife

901 501 901

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