The card artisan, whose application is voluntary, shall be issued by the Cabildo Insular having jurisdiction over the locality where they are performing the activity artisan, upon request of the interested party.
The application of the identification card of craftsman will be presented by an application addressed to the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, and in order to prove the fulfillment of the requirements for the recognition of the status of craftsman in the Autonomous Community of the Canary islands, that instance will be accompanied by the following documentation:
Application form.
Fotocopia D.N.I. o N.I.F. del solicitante, en su caso.
Fotografía tamaño carné.
Certificate of residence or registration of the city council as appropriate.
Supporting documentation for development, for at least one year, of the trade, provision of workshop and production intended for sale.
The craft developed must be understood in the Repertoire of Crafts Artisans in the Canary islands in force. You can demonstrate this point by bringing this Memory of the activity craft developed by the applicant, as well as photographs of the workshop or place of work and the artisanal production, for which a case can be made to original photographs, printed from a digital format (maximum size sheet DIN A4 sufficient quality) or directly in a digital format to a proper resolution for your display.
In addition, you must provide this Affidavit o copia del Alta en el Censo de Empresarios, Profesionales y Retenedores en la actividad y en el Régimen Especial de Trabajadores Autónomos
Supporting documentation of all activities and academic degrees or professional listed on the application.
Documents relating to the marketing of their products.
The application is presented in the General Registry of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, or in any of the ways provided for in the legislation of the common administrative procedure.
Filing date
This will open the application period of the card artisan twice a year on the following dates:
1st call: desde el 15 de marzo al 15 de abril.
2nd call: desde el 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre.
Applicants will be informed of the next steps to follow in order to do this it is essential to be stated in the instance an e-mail (PREFERABLY), or failing that at least a mobile or fixed.